Services - Vocals Production
What We Do
Vocal Recording

About Vocal Services
We have a selection of high-end condensers and dynamic microphones for many different types of vocal sessions. We can record a basic vocal to a backing track, we can do full vocal productions with harmonies, layers and ad libs and have them mixed and mastered.
We also do voice-over work for radio jingles, ads for TV and Radio and we can also do ADR for TV shows and Movies. We have worked with various studios and companies including Paramount Pictures, the Young offenders and sky.
Get in touch if you have something you would like to talk to us about.
Gear included
- Microphones
- Manley Preamps / Channel Strips
- Monitoring
- Guitar and Bass Amps
- Pro Tools
- Universal Audio Apollo x8
- Apogee AD/DA Converters
- Digidesign Avid C|24
Vocal Services
Hourly Rates
- €50 / hr - Off Peak Rates
- €60 / hr - Peak Rates
Half Day Rates (4 Hours)
- €180 - Half Day (Off Peak Rates)
- €200 - Half Day (Peak Rates)
Full Day Rates (8 Hours)
- €350 - Full Day(Off Peak)
- €400 - Full Day (Peak Rates)
Song Packages
- €150 - One Song Package
- €250 - 2 Song Package
We can do prices and quotes for specific projects so please contact us with the details so we can arrange as accurate quote as possible.
Have any question?
Please feel free is you have a question about a project you may have and we can discuss the options available and what we can do for you.